Past speaking engagements:
Anglican Mission in America
Archdiocese of Chicago (Benefit Dinner)
Archdiocese of Denver (Living the Catholic Faith Conference, Women’s Conference)
Archdiocese of Indianapolis (Women’s Conference)
Archdiocese of Kansas City (Women’s Conference, Retreat for Deacons’ Wives)
Archdiocese of Milwaukee (Pallium Lecture)
Archdiocese of Newark (Women’s Day of Reflection)
Archdiocese of San Antonio (Women’s Conference)
Archdiocese of St. Louis (Pro-Life Convention, Religious Education Institute, Women’s Conference)
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (Women’s Conference, Symposium on the Kennedy Legacy, Faith & Reason Lecture Series)
Archdiocese of Washington (Women’s Conference)
Aquinas College
Azusa Pacific University
Benedictine College
Biola University
Capuchin Franciscan Friars of the St. Augustine Province
Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals
Catholic Campus Ministry Association
Catholic Information Center
Catholics United for the Faith (40th Anniversary Conference)
Catholic Women of Faith Conference (Nashville)
Christendom College (Summer Institute)
Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference
DePauw University (Burleigh Lecture)
Diocese of Allentown (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Charlotte (Eucharistic Congress)
Diocese of Covington (Public Policy Conference)
Diocese of Duluth (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of El Paso (Foundation of Faith Dinner)
Diocese of Fargo (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Harrisburg (Annual Catechetical Conference)
Diocese of Metuchen (Retreat for Mothers)
Diocese of New Ulm (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Palm Beach (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Phoenix (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Pittsburgh (Annual Adult Lecture Series)
Diocese of Rockville Centre (Respect Life Leaders Convocation)
Diocese of Scranton (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of St. Petersburg (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Syracuse (Women’s Conference)
Diocese of Venice, FL (Women’s Conference)
Discussion Club of St. Louis
Dominican House of Studies
Dover Air Force Base
Dynamic Women of Faith Conference
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Faith and Law Fellowship on Capitol Hill
Faith and Life Lecture Series (sponsored by St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church)
First Things (public lecture and book event at editorial offices)
FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students)
Fordham University (Conference co-sponsored by the Curran Center for American Catholic Studies and Fordham Center on Religion and Culture)
Franciscan University of Steubenville (2013 Commencement Address, Catholic Writers Festival, Defending the Faith Conference, Religious Sisters Conference, Young Adult Conference)
Gaither Praise Gathering
Heritage Foundation
Holy Cross Chapel, Houston, TX
IHM National Homeschool and Parent Conference
Immaculata University (2015 Commencement Address)
Institute for Global Engagement (Global Leadership Forum)
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst
JumpStart Parent Education Conference
Legatus (Winter Summit, National Women’s Retreat, St. Louis Chapter, Omaha Chapter)
Life Network of Southern Illinois (Annual Banquet)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Tech Catholic Community)
Miles Christi (Conference for Study and Prayer)
National Council of Churches (Young Adult Assembly)
National Press Club (Foundation for American Communications Seminar on Youth and Religion, Novak Journalism Fellowship Annual Awards Dinners)
Parent Network of Catholic High Schools
Pauline Books & Media (New York, St. Louis, Alexandria, VA)
Peoria Annual Respect Life Dinner
Religion Newswriters Association (Annual Conference)
Religious Booksellers Trade Exhibit
Sacred Heart Hospital of Eau Claire, WI (Excellence in Ethics Symposium; Msgr. Klimek Healing Presence Lecture Series)
Saint Louis Priory
Saint Louis University
Saint Sebastian’s School, Needham, MA
Saint Vincent College (Threshold Series Lecture)
Serra Club of St. Charles, MO (Annual Banquet)
Southern California Catholic Home Educators (25th Annual Conference)
Theology on Tap
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Annual Pro-Life Conference)
University of Avila (Inter-University Congress on St. Teresa of Avila in Avila, Spain)
University of Cambridge (C.S. Lewis Summer Institute in Cambridge, England)
University of Central Oklahoma (Catholic Student Center)
University of Missouri at Columbia (Newman Center)
University of Nebraska at Lincoln (Newman Center)
University of Notre Dame (Cushwa Center Seminar in American Religion, Edith Stein Project Conferences)
University of Scranton
The Vine (Annual Conference)
Williams College
Women of Dignity Conference (Edmonton, Canada)
Women of the Word Toronto
Young America’s Foundation (national conference, George Washington University)